2016 Honey Bee Poster Contest
Sponsored by the Wisconsin Honey Producers Association (W.H.P.A.)
Theme for 2016: Honey Bees pollinating for vegetables
Divisions: 2nd grade and under
3rd-5th grades
6th-8th grades
9th-12th grades
Prizes for each division: 1st – $35
2nd – $25
3rd – $15
Rules: 1. Size 11”x14” poster board
2. Print clearly, on back side:
Name, address, age and grade
3. Include theme in design
4. Posters become property of W.H.P.A.
5. Most bees today live in bee hives. Paper wasps live in nests
Hanging from a tree branch. Not bees!
Mail by October 25, 2016 to: Sharon Pufahl
W6432 Hwy O
Mauston, WI 53948
(608) 847-4407